Senior Cycle

Design & Communication Graphics

DCG is a follow-on subject from Junior Certificate Technical Graphics.

DCG Leaving Cert

DCG is a follow on subject from Junior Certificate Technical Graphics.
It is assessed in the following two areas.
1. Student Assignment 40%
2. Terminal Exam 60%.

There is a great emphasis in the Leaving Certificate course on comprehension, analysis and problem solving. In simple terms you must be able to understand what has to be done, analyse how you are going to approach it and then proceed to solve the problem. It is a very suitable subject for either architecture or engineering.

The Syllabus

The syllabus comprises three fundamental areas of study:

  • Plane and Descriptive Geometry
  • Communication of Design and Computer Graphics
  • Applied Graphics

The core areas of study (Part One) comprise Plane and Descriptive Geometry and Communication of Design and Computer Graphics. Plane and Descriptive Geometry provides students with a knowledge of essential graphic principles while Communication of Design and Computer Graphics introduces students to the use of graphics in a wide variety of design situations.
The optional areas of study (Part Two) are offered within Applied Graphics where students are introduced to graphic applications in the fields of engineering, science and the human environment.