Transition Year (TY)
What is TY?
The Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme that forms the first year of a three-year senior cycle in many schools. It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate.
What happens in TY?
TY provides the opportunity for our students and our school to innovate and to be creative with our students’ learning methods, as well as giving students the chance to develop numerous skills with a range of extra-curricular activities being made available. Students are timetabled as normal in 40min & double period classes per day. This varies each week in relation to organised activities & work experience.
What do you gain from TY?
Transition Year is also a year where students can stand out and:
- gain confidence
- boost their morale
- develop better communication skills
- improve social skills and group work skills
- grow in maturity and gain confidence in approaching the Leaving Certificate
- plan for adult life & future progression
- be better able to organise & address concerns they have in subject areas

Some examples of activities organised in TY (subject to change each year):
- Gasice
- Interdenominational Programme with Killybegs Hospital
- School Tour abroad
- German Exchange
- Fundraising for activities, e.g. Christmas Cards, Bake Sale,
- Fundraising for charities e.g. St. Vincent De Paul, Daffodil Day, Irish Heart Fundation
- John Paul II Awards
- Cycle Against Suicide Ambassador School
- Promoting Mental Health Awareness
- Sign Language
- School Musical
- Learning to play an Instrument
- Jiving Dance classes
- Ceili Dance classes
- Learning a new language; Spanish/German
- Restorative Practice Training
- Linking with LYIT Tourism College Killybegs
- Visiting numerous enterprises e.g. Google.
- Careers Fairs
- Third Level University & IT
Watch this TY work experience Video
Students take on 3 weeks of work experience throughout their time in TY.
This usually takes place in one week blocks:
- 1st Block- before Halloween Mid-Term
- 2nd Block- before February Mid-Term
- 3rd Block- after Easter Break.
It is the responsibility of the student to organise their own work experience in good time. Students must give at least 2-3 weeks notice to Ms. Sharkey prior to starting their work experience to get Insurance, Employer Indemnity & Health & Safety guidelines organised.
We strongly advise students to use this time wisely to get a feel for their possible vocational/career path in the future.
Throughout the year students may also attend organised work experience workshops during school time if permission is sought from Ms. Luby & parents have agreed. Students will not be marked absent in the event of them attending this school based experience. E.g Defence Forces hold their week of organised national work experience in February.
Work Experience Opportunities in TCD: